Here starts soon the "Project Starfleet"
Our vision is to have a non-profit organization with many goals like helping mental ill and isolated people to better our world with Disaster Response and aiming for peace, food and shelter for everyone.
Our Website is not fully online as we wait until the organization is founded.
If you are interested, see our vision or directly contact us.
We are not perfect, but we are trying to...
We can not be there for everyone, but we are trying to...
We can not care for everyone, but we are trying to...
We can not bring peace to everyone, but we are trying to...
We can not build a home for everyone, but we are trying to...
We can not bring food and water to everyone, but we are trying to...
...,CONSTANTLY; "To work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity"!
„Project Starfleet" is a non-profit and non-commercial fan project. Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by Columbia Broadcasting System Studios Inc. This website is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with Columbia Broadcasting System, Paramount Pictures, CBS Studios Inc. or any other Star Trek franchise.
All Rights Reserved. Project Starfleet 2024-2025
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